I finally got around to watching a few movies lately, that have been on my list to watch for a long time... anyway- here's the scoop:
The Island- B. It's a great movie to watch if you like Scarlett Johansson. The camera isn't shy of her this time, unlike, oh say Lost in Translation. It has a decent plot- I am a sucker for decent sci-fi- although arguably the plot is 50% stolen from Logan's Run (or more?). It has a great car chase scene with the "railroad car axles" (if you see, or have seen, this scene, you know what I'm talking about). Also, apparently Cadillacs are still ridiculously expensive for what you get, as well as still unattractive, in the future.
Wanted- A-. Very fun movie, the viper car chase scene was great (are you sensing a theme?). Angelina is decent but not too overbearing with her amount of time on screen. The best part is getting to put yourself in the shoes of the main character and feel what he feels as he breaks out of his relatively ordinary life at the beginning. Standard "what comes around goes around" where the end of the 1st scene ends up being the same gimmick as the end of the last scene. Gee I didn't see that coming.
Hancock- C+. I didn't know what I was getting into here, besides some sort of standard Will Smith superhero movie, so I was a little surprised when the movie opened cold with Will already firmly seated in his superhero role- no discovery, no growth, no maturation- just BAM- he's a superhero, let's roll with it. It was, I dunno- eh. It was amusing to see a drunk superhero, I suppose.
I Am Legend (part 2 of the Will Smith double feature apparently)- B-. If you love apocalyptic/zombie/virus movies like Resident Evil, 28 Days Later, etc. then you will like this one. Watching Will play out his "last man on earth" role is fun in a Twilight Zone sort of way. There is not a lot of action in this movie however, and like any other in the genre, there are both leaps-of-faith and overlooking-of-plot-holes required in order to get to the end.
I am also 2/3rds of the way through the most recent Rambo movie (can I just call it Rambo 4? thanks). So far- ughhhh. Not enjoyable. It is a chore to watch. Even the action is just boring. I guess Sly has run out of charisma. Or is even that stretching it? I don't recommend this one at all. I will predict a solid "D" for this one.
Got any recommendations for me?