Monday, November 15, 2010

Awesome electronic games from my childhood

Many of my friends and family members had the coolest games. Back before we had "real" video games (besides the Atari 2600/VCS), handheld games were the spark of imagination and gave you a way to play a good game without heading to the arcade- and god bless 1. arcades that provided an incentive to spend $5 at once in a change machine (24 quarters/tokens for $5 instead of 20), and 2. loving mothers who didn't put up much of a fight to give their sons $5 on occasion. Anyway, as Adam Carolla would say, "but there I go again, digressing". Check out this guy's store on ebay, selling many, many (Police Academy reference) of the games that I either wasted lots of time paying, or just as bad, wasted lots of time lusting after in my early years:

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