Tuesday, November 16, 2010

If you want to laugh, the Ace-man is your ticket

I've been a big fan of Adam Carolla for at least 10 years. I used to record his two hour Loveline radio shows and either turn them into mp3s for my Ipod to listen to driving to work (actually back then it was a Creative brand dinky little 64MB player, pre-Ipod), or burn them to CDs to give to friends to listen to. These days, he has his own little broadcasting empire, but the point of all this is that you can get his daily show for FREE to listen to. Here's his main homepage:

The Adam Carolla Show

and here is the free new app called Stitcher, that lets you stream shows live to your smartphone- by far the easiest way to get the show without having to subscribe to the podcast and sync your phone:


finally- Adam also has a new book out, check it out on amazon:

In Fifty Years We'll All Be Chicks


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