I was honestly surprised how thought provoking Inception was. Like Shutter Island, another of DiCaprio's big projects, this was another mental (literally) thriller- but this time the story was MUCH deeper (no pun intended, to those of you that have seen it) and really makes you consider your place in the world, as well as evoking real emotion in the viewer (at least in my case). I don't really want to say much more about it, for fear of giving away any of the important points (thanks Tom, for blowing the key piece of The Sixth Sense for me, back in the day), but suffice it to say that if you thought that Shutter Island was any good, this movie will probably seem like a substantially better flick. It's also visually impressive, they definitely pulled out the stops on not just CGI (which was definitely not overused) but also choices of locations. I give it an A-, mostly docked from a higher grade as a result of a few short but annoying (and preachy, between characters) script segments.
Saw it, loved it. Definitely thought provoking and visually stunning. Although i did think that the scene at the ice castle-ly place was a little over-the-top and too long.
The main thing i loved was the way the story works on different levels (literally). Each one dependent on the other. Cool stuff.
My actress ex-girlfriend (who i went to the movie with) thought there wasn't very good chemistry between Leo and Edith Piaf (imdb if you don't get it). whatever.
One of the best endings since the Sixth Sense.
ah yes, the ending... i thought it was deliciously vague as to "whether or not" it was, well, you know... real or not.
the snow battle on the bottom level was definitely straight out of many video games i've played :)
i'm actually looking forward to seeing it again very soon (just like I watched The Usual Suspects twice in a row) in order to get a better picture of the actors and their intentions now that I know the final direction of the plot... although I think it would have been cooler if they had chosen Christian Bale in his American Psycho look for the grieving son...
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